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Manager Spotlight: Nafeesah Bush

Name: Nafeesah Bush

Account: Cheyney University

Tenure: 2 Years

Hometown: Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA

Who is Someone in the Company You Admire: I would have to choose Mrs. Benita Thompson-Byas. She said something in an article I read about her "there's more than one way to measure wealth, the off ledger measure, and those are acts of kindness and true relationships which are important if not more".

If You Could Go Back in Time to Change One Thing, What Would it Be: I would have went into the medical field instead of hospitality...Registered Nurse to be exact.

What Celebrity Would You Want to Meet at Starbucks: Taraji P. Henson- she's one of my favorite actresses. I think that would be a great conversation because we have similar personalities.

What is Your Favorite Movie: Training Day with Denzel Washington

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