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our food...



We use fresh food.

Everyone wonders how our food tastes so good.  Yes, we have impeccably trained chefs, but it's also due to the actual food we use.  At Thompson Hospitality we source fresh produce from local farmers, use sustainable seafood, and cage free eggs.


We believe our students should have access to nutritious food and we make it our goal to provide just that.


As we prepare for the upcoming school year, I want to take a moment to personally thank each one of you for your contribution to Thompson Hospitality.  Without your dedication, hard work, and sacrifice we wouldn't be as successful as we are.  And it's that same dedication that I need from you all as we unveil our new programs.  


One of the most important programs we have implemented is the new FDA food labeling guidelines.  These mandated regulations require that dining facilities such as ours list eleven specific nutrients on our signage.  As a result of these new federal guidelines, I am depending on all of you to post this information daily for each and every item.


In addition, your continued hard work is needed in completing all required documents in their entirety and submitting them in a timely manner.  In an effort to assist you all with this process, the Home Team has uploaded new production sheets and learning tools to Sharepoint, our company database.  


For questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or email.  


Let's get ready for a prosperous 2017-2018 school year!  


D. Zaikouk

Vice President of Operations

do you have a great recipe?

Do you have a great recipe?  Is there a particular dish that students have been asking for at your account?  Tell us!  At the end of each semester, chefs have the opportunity to submit recipes to be used in our cycle menu. 

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